Compliance is the responsibility of every employee at HOMA. WE conduct all of our activities in compliance with local and international laws and regulations. A strong compliance culture is the key to HOMA Group’s success.
The management team at HOMA Group has very high expectations of all of our people when it comes to Compliance, and we strive to set and to comply with market and industry best practices over and above the law wherever possible.
We expect our partners in all business fields to operate at international standards levels in all areas and to make our public commitment to full compliance with our Code of Conduct.

In addition to local and international laws, HOMA is subject to physical, financial and environmental regulations in all of the countries in which it trades and operates. HOMA strives to work in a proactive, open and co-operative manner with all of its regulators around the globe. To ensure that we are compliant with the many laws and regulations applicable to us, HOMA has an extensive Compliance Program that is mandated and fully endorsed by HOMA Group’s management team and implemented and overseen by the HOMA Compliance team.
The Code of Conduct serves as the hallmark of HOMA Group's commitment to ensuring that all employees maintain the highest level of integrity and transparency in the performance of their individual and collective roles and responsibilities.
Integrated with our vision and our expectation of compliance, HOMA creates a framework to guide its business conduct around the globe through its employee training, and an internal system of governance policies.
As one of the Middle East largest traders in physical commodities, HOMA Group has a reputation for the strong, consistent manner in which it conducts the logistics of its business. This is our principle to work collaboratively with our customers and partners.

Key to these effective partnerships is our insistence on a prudent “Know Your Counter-party” (KYC) evaluation prior to execution of any contract or formal business engagement. In so doing, we seek to take a measured and conservative approach to managing our risk.
Our KYC evaluation is multi-faceted, designed to understand our counter-party’s commercial strength and compliance standing and incorporate our own sense of ethics into our assessment.
Similarly, HOMA prudently follows a program to conduct appropriate Due Diligence prior to entering into any investments, acquisitions or joint ventures.